Beaver Falls does not actually have a falls, they call the rapids the falls. If you are in the Redwood Falls area, this is a fairly nice park to visit. The easiest way to get to the park is on US HWY 71 just north of Morton. Turn west on Renvile County 2, opposite of Birch Coulee. Go ? miles until you get to a valley with houses - the town hall is also located here. Go through the populated area and just on the edge to the south you will see the west entrance to the park. Turn left on 680th Avenue, this is the winding road that runs ? miles through the park.

This is a very safe and secure bridge, they finally took off the plywood that was covering the holes in the boards - they now have two metal runners where your tires ride on the road - I think the holes are still there!

This park has a lot of birch trees:

Beaver Creek:

Campfire areas:

On the east entrance/exit you will pass the town hall on your way out.

The cat palm in the middle of the hosta plants are very nice looking. Id like to buy some of them for my garden.
Online Plant Nursery